Friday, November 29, 2019

Information Based Decision Making free essay sample

As a manager, it is vital that all decision that I have to make is based on accurate and recorded information. Making decisions are everyday activities and very often it is being performed without really thinking about them. Information based decision making enables me to understand the problem solving cycle, use creativity in decision making, anticipate potential problems, gain the commitment of others to my decisions in order that they may be effectively implemented and I am able to evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques I used. Running a care home for the elderly faces me with an everyday activities of decision making. Please look at the case of Mrs W below. Mrs W has been admitted to our care for six months now. Her care plan states that she has dementia and has a poor short term memory but can make her needs known. Ms W is very mobile. She will always look for her husband and her son thinking that they are still living together and this is the trigger for her to be unsettled and anxious. We will write a custom essay sample on Information Based Decision Making or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mrs W used to be a manageress and supervises a number of workers. She thinks that staff and residents are her workers. She needs constant reminder that she’s not working anymore and where she is now is not her workplace. Mr W, as the next of kin was involved in creating Mrs W’s care plan and he has signed it. A risk assessment was in place to ensure safety of Mrs W. The Kepner-Tregoc method of decision making distinguishes between plans which is seen as the means of dealing with potential problems; problems, seen as deviation from the norms and decisions which are choices between alternatives. Mrs W has a care plan made by the care staff which state of what could be the potential problem that might arise when looking after Mrs W and how the care staff can support her. As mentioned, Mrs W’s dementia presents itself in a poor short term memory and mainly remember only about her husband and son. Also, her workplace and how she manages the people working under her supervision which leads to her being anxious and agitated. Mrs W’s behaviour was getting worst every day. She was becoming physically and verbally aggressive towards staff, visitors and residents. I have advised the staff to start filling in a behavioural chart to find out if there is any pattern to her behaviour. And so there will be a basis in changing the plan of care for Mrs W. The family has been made aware of her behaviour and we have decided to refer her to the GP to rule out any medical condition and for her to be referred to a psychiatrist. GP visit confirmed that Mrs W needs a psychiatric referral. The potential problem has now become an existing problem. Problems needs to be analyzed and it requires sharp observation, analysis, specific comparison all aimed at identifying the cause and taking actions. Psychiatrist came and visited Mrs W and looked at her care plan. Family attended as well. An agreed management/plan of care was created for Mrs W and will be monitored and reviewed in an agreed span of time. Family was agreeable to it. Staff has been informed through handover what were the changes in Mrs W’s care and the care plan was updated. Despite the changes in Mrs W’s care, she now wants to get out of the building almost every day to see her husband and son. Mrs W’s care plan has been reviewed and referred back to psychiatrist and a medication review has been done. Because of Mrs W’s wanting to get out of the building by forcefully banging and opening the door, I have to adhere to the organisation’s policy and procedure and the essential standards of CQC in ensuring that we are not depriving Mrs W’s liberty . And how we manage her when she is physically aggressive is for her best interest. I have made a referral to the safeguarding team to the local council to carry out an assessment for Mrs W. Safeguarding team has done their assessment with the involvement of Mrs W’s family and the care staff. The measures we use to keep Mrs W safe do not deprive her of her liberty. This particular incident, proves that all decision made by our care team were based on information that are available on Mrs W’s care plan. All the data gathered and shared to the health team were used for specified purpose only of ensuring Mrs W receives the best care in the care home. Decision making is about choosing from a range of options. In the case of Mrs W, GP were involved first to rule out any possible medical condition before the referral to the psychiatrist was made. And the involvement of the safeguarding team of the local council. This was made possible because of the quality information through factual recording by the care staff of Mrs W’s behavioural problems. The outcome of the decision in Mrs W’s care has been communicated to the staff through verbal and written handover. All the changes were indicated in her care plan. Staff were advised that it should be carried out with the supervision of the senior carers. Senior carers has the responsibility to monitor the effectiveness of the new care plan and making sure that it is being evaluated every month and make necessary changes based on the information gathers through observation, assessment and input from the care staff. On supervisions of the senior carers, I always ask them to bring in any of the care plan that they should be updating and check if all the necessary updates are being done. It is my way of evaluating /auditing the effectiveness of the communication method we used in the home.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Lightness vs. Weight essays

Lightness vs. Weight essays Mila Kunderas novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being has a reoccurring paradox thread throughout his whole book, lightness versus weight. If we only have one opportunity at life, is it worth weighing our different paths against one another? If it isnt, then we live in a state of lightness. There are many characteristics to being light or having weight in your life. Lightness is characterized as not having any formal attachment to the meaning of your life; you live in the moment. People who are light tend to be more free-spirited and easy-going. People who carry the weight have more emotions, and attach more meaning to things in their life. People who carry weight are also more likely to join political parties, than someone who doesnt care someone who is light. When you carry the weight, you have more attachment to things and you invest your feelings, in turn you open yourself up to be hurt. Is lightness better and weight a burden, or does meaning only come from weight? To better understand what lightness and weight means, we look to Tomas and Tereza, introduced in the first chapter. Tomas enjoys the lightness and freedom in his life. Estranged from his family and divorced, Tomas has no attachments to anyone. Before he met Tereza, Tomas was a womanizer and never let the woman spend the night. Despite the fact that Tomas comes across as extremely selfish, but he is very compassionate and sympathetic. These feelings are an example of the influence of weight has on him, and lead to Tereza entering his life. Eventually, Tereza ends up representing the weight in Tomass life. She is characterized as being weight, she is very passionate about her interests, and shes very emotional. The heavy objects that surround Tereza represent this. For example, when Tereza moves in, Tomas accepts the burden of carrying her heavy suitcase, and the weight of her love. Tereza has always don ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Can Machine Have a Conscience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Can Machine Have a Conscience - Essay Example Maybe the urge is, at times, nothing more than the pressures or influences of past parental or societal training or perhaps it may arise from some form of social instinct buried deep in humans or from the understanding it is in the longstanding concern of the agent. However, in any case, it should be noted humans do act autonomously of some form of desire unlike a machine, which is guided by humans (Pitrat 41). No matter how intelligent machines are, they cannot have human’s thoughts and lifestyles. In the last ten years, AI has really progressed due to an increase in research collaboration that has resulted in inventing computers with high processing speed. A lot of researchers propose that within the current century, the AI will cross that of human beings. Furthermore, individuals such as Hall have great expectation (Tucker and Patrick 54). Some scientists believe robots will carry out more difficult work instead of human’s work in the future. In some specific situations, robots could judge and perform tasks individually out of people’s control. All in all, some scientists predict that robots will become more intelligent to help people. Start by defining what a conscience is and people find it is an inner or deep sense of what wrong or right in one’s behavior, motives or conduct, impelling someone towards the right action. A conscience can also be defined as the ethical, as well as moral principles, which guide or inhibits someone’s thoughts or actions, and which can be argued to be an inhibiting sense of what is prudent.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International hospitality operation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International hospitality operation - Coursework Example Introduction Fast foods have become a common mode of meals especially in many urban centers around the globe. Majority of urban dwellers find it easy to get into a cafeteria or fast food outlet to swiftly grab something and move on with their daily business without spending much time on cooking. This is a business that actually benefits both consumers and stake holders (Frank et al, 2006). However, research has shown that, most fast foods have various side effects and complications, especially those that require deep frying into cooking fat. The regular use of fast foods by urban dwellers also threatens the environment in terms of pollution. For instance, polythene bags that are used for wrapping foods are in most cases thrown all over after using them, especially in comfort and social places. Chances for expanding fast food outlets in Brazil Contract farming and factors that impinge youth Acceptance to Contract farming Contract farming is basically a system of farming where the prod uction and supply of both horticultural and agricultural products are produced by both primary produces as well as farmers (Philip & Morrison, 2006). Generally, farmers in particular have their terms specified in the contract. In such a contract, the commodity must be sold at a specified price, time and quantity. This type of farming has become the most favorable form of business that can boost the global food system (Silva, 2005). Contract farming has been advantageous to the farmers even though it is a risk taking issue. However, the risks are drastically reduced to an extent that the majority of them are adequately provided with farm inputs hence reducing the fear for losses that can be incurred. Furthermore, large scale farmers can also purchase the inputs at a low price (Silva, 2005). This alone has ensured that the input quality has been converted to the large amount of profits. In light with this, services such as mechanizations and transportation are provided to the farmers in accordance to the contract. With the advancement of technology, technological assistance is also provided to the farmers so as to boost their productions (Silva, 2005). The technical assistance crew also ensures that, the farmers are provided with management skills that can boost their contracted crops and livestock too. Market outlets are also put into consideration in the sense that, transaction costs are put into consideration so as to reduce the agony of searching for markets. As this goes on, the sales prices are also lowered. However, with the price fluctuation both internationally, as well as locally, such issues are also considered too (Silva, 2005). Residues from farms can also be useful. For instance, according to Brazil Fast Food Cooperation, 2009, manure from animals such as poultry can also be a source of income and as animal feeds, as well. Contract farming will always ensure that agricultural products are supplied to the market in large quantities (Silva, 2005). Su ch are the benefits firms like fast foods outlets come across. Since the contracts require specific quality product, this will ensure that fast food outlets and other firms are in a position to meet the requirements of their clients, as well as maintaining their standards (Silva, 2005). The mutual relationship between the farmers and contractors has also ensured that, farmers are able to access land through legal processes that burrs private companies to own land. Contracting allows such benefits in case

Monday, November 18, 2019

Affirmative Action Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Affirmative Action - Research Paper Example in moving what seemed to be unmovable in United States society’s African American rights, precipitated to the creation of the Affirmative Action law. Many quarters, especially the minorities and the women, saw the law as a milestone in human rights history. The affected societal members saw the law as an imperfect but preferable tool to eradicate the current social disease called discrimination (Boit, 2012). Further, the term Affirmative Action centers on the legal provisions of the action. The provisions ensure that equal opportunity is given to people from all walks of life. The law focuses on granting better work opportunities, school opportunities, and other social opportunities within the United States environment. The law specifically states that discrimination occurs when the individuals are unfairly treated because of their gender, race, or ethnicity (Boit, 2012). In the Ricci vs DeStefano case, 557 U.S. 2 (2009), The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that the New Haven, Connecticut violated the Affirmative Action law when the government leaders discriminated against 20 firefighters. The firefighters passed the promotion examinations. However, the firefighters were promoted on the ground of race. Most of the complaints were African Americans. Two of complainants were Latinos. The Court gave a majority decision stating the government leaders committed discriminated against the 20 firefighters when they discarded the results of the complaining firefighter’s tests. Consequently, the discrimination violated Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Forst & Dempsey, 2011). Furthermore, the law focuses on two major discrimination areas. First, the equal opportunities are granting females and minorities in terms of work and other benefits. Likewise, the Affirmative Action law ensures that United States society is made up of a diversity of individuals, not a segregation of individuals. The law gives the disadvantaged female and minority individual the right to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Analysis of Body Language Intercultural Communications

The Analysis of Body Language Intercultural Communications Abstract With the international communication becoming closer,except the verbal communication in daily life, we may encounter many body languages. These body languages can express their mood or even substitute one sentence. Therefore, in order to understand the intercultural communication better, this dissertation first introduces the relationship between culture and language, then briefly explains what body language is and its function in intercultural communication, subsequently, briefly analyses the differences of the same body language in different cultures. At last, the dissertation suggests that when studying English language, one cant ignore the huge body language, it will be helpful with our English study. Key words: Language; culture; body language; intercultural communication I. Introduction With the international communication becoming more and more frequently, Chinese people may have many chances to get in touch with foreigners. They always use many body languages with their talk. It is a funny phenomena. Shakespeare said Theres language in her eyes, her cheek, her lip, Nay, her foot speaks. Indeed, these body language not only can make their word lively, but also express the speakers mood, or even substitute a sentence. What the body language means when they use for communication?This is the necessary knowledge of English study. Any kind of body language is formed on the foundation of culture. Without understanding the true meaning of a body language, it will embarrass or make mistake. Therefore, this dissertation will analysis the differences of same body language in the different cultures and suggest to study English on the premise of understanding their culture. II. Literature review 2.1 Culture and language 2.1.1 Culture The definition of culture is evolving as time passes. In the west, at first it was used to describe some ability of person which represent a form of act. Then culture used to describe the real achievement of a instructed person. And in 1952, a book of Alfred L. Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn named Culture. A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions was give a general definition based on more than 160 kinds of cultures definition which was identified by modern east and west academic circle. And in China, its meaning was that with the understanding of all phenomena of human social, govern the world with instructing and inspiring. In the Confucian concept, wen not only means word, but also refer to all the rules of etiquette and music in general. In ancient Chinese language, culture meant guiding people with ethics. Culture is a complex concept and changing with human social. However, the word culture is most commonly used in three basic senses: Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group 2.1.2 Language Language is the important thinking and communicating tool of human being. With language people can keep and pass human civilization achievement. In general, any nation has its own language. It is a notable character of a nation and has long history. Language is closely related with thought. It is the carrier and exhibition form of thought. Language is a social phenomenon with stability and nationality. Though many animals can make sound to express their emotion or deliver message, these sounds are regular without change. Only person have language and can combine all the sounds that have no meaning to become a meaningful morpheme, then put these morphemes together in many ways to form utterance. Using infinite changing form to express infinite changing meaning. 2.1.3 The relationship between language and culture Culture and language are mutual dependence and can not be separated. Language is part of culture, it is the media of culture communication. We use language to communicate, and language is largely influenced by culture. The relationship between culture and language is on the foundation of nation. A nation produces language, at the same time produces culture. Edward Sapir thought that language can not exist without culture. The culture we talk about is social custom and belief. It can decide our life structure. Linguistician Palmer said that language faithfully reflects all the history and culture, game and amusement, belief and prejudice of a nation. As a part of nations culture, language reflects the nations visage, at the same time, language reflects the content of culture as form. Language is the important carrier of culture. Other carriers such as historical site, book, or painting, only show part or even a corner of culture. But language stores all the information of culture comprehensively. Language consists of voice, vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulary, especially the notional word, bear the important responsibility of carrying culture. Time passes, and many new words are coming into being, such as virtual floating, means netizens put their worries and secrets in the virtual bottle without knowing who will get it. All of these are anonymous. And kickback, the original of this word is that the International Olympic Committee will open an ethics investigation into Issa Hayatou over allegations the African football official took kickbacks from FIFAs former marketing agency. But these new words hardly possible become part of culture. Only those language fact that integrate into the bottom life deeply, chosen and washed out by history, enter the basic nation voc abulary is the sign of language affect culture profoundly. For example, Buddhism have been spreaded about 2000 years. Some words like free, retribution, disengagement, hell are coming from Buddhism. These words have already integrated into Chinese become part of it. Culture has effect on language semiotic system itself, language concept, thought and expression, and language learning. Nation culture is decided by the meaning of vocabulary. Different culture tradition and mentality have definitively function to it. Such as dragon, the western people have no favor to it, they thought it is monster, cruel person, stand for devil. But in ancient Chinese culture it stands for the son of heaven and the emperor, lucky and honorable. The reference content and way of culture are decided by the cultures person and persons culture. For example, Cantonese cant see snow for the whole year, so they do not distinguish ice and snow in concept. The northman say à ¥Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ £Ã‚ , and Cantonese say à ©Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ‚ ªÃƒ ¦Ã‚ Ã‚ ¡. But the Eskimo who live in arctic pole always contact with snow and have a perceptive. There are more than 20 kinds of words used to describe different snow. As the carrier and express tool of thought, language promote the developm ent of thought, on the other hand, language is restricted by thought. For instance, Chinese say à §Ã‚ Ã‚ «Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¦, that is à §Ã‚ Ã‚ « and à ¨Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¦, looking into the physics function of à §Ã‚ Ã‚ « and à ¦Ã‚ ±Ã‚ ½. But in English, there is railway train, look into the move way of rail and track. To understand the culture of English countries is the important step of English study. The research of language and culture is divided into language culture and language in culture. So culture is divided into two part: big culture and small culture.(Bright, 1976) Here is a form: language Big culture other cultural phenomena Culture Verbal language Small culture Non-verbal language Body language is the important part of non-verbal language. Non-verbal language and culture are learned behaviour and social custom that rich in long history heritage. The relationship between both have these characters in someone like Samovar etals eyes: culture and non-verbal language can not be divided. Many non-verbal languages are the result of learning culture. The shaping and impacting of non-verbal behaviour are always decided by determinate culture environment. It is very important to understand the relationship between culture and non-verbal language. (Samovar etal, 1981) Samovar thought that through understanding the basic represent mode of some cultures non-verbal language, we can search peoples behaviour and attitude. Through non-verbal language mode can understand a sort of cultures value system. Through the research of non-verbal language can exclude the narrow ethnocentrism. The most realistic signification of researching the relationship between culture and non-verba l language in intercultural communication is to resolve the culture conflict in non-verbal language. People always do not realize the learning of their own culture, but very sensitive with other cultures non-verbal language and easily produce misunderstand. Worth the whistle, the culture conflict brought by non-verbal language is serious than that brought by verbal language. Because non-verbal language always is the expression of sensibility and emotion. Samovar put forward that to resolve the non-verbal language culture conflict in international communication should remember the follow three principles when understand the meaning of other cultures non-verbal language: 1. When pay attention to the behaviour of a non-verbal language can not ignore that there are manifold non-verbal language cooperative work in real communication. 2. Anyone can not list and describe all the non-verbal language in any culture. But if we can understand exactly the information of some usually used non-verbal language under the international communication environment, it will be helpful to understand the necessary information. 3. Only understand our cultures non-verbal language first, can we understand other cultures behaviour. Under international communication, to identify the message of non-verbal language should avoid modal or only notice superficies. Be sure to keep in mind that any non-verbal language does not appear lonely, nor deliver any message consciously. Pay special attention to that when study foreign language, international communication activity, and international research, for the need of communicating, studying and researching, people have to make a summation and generalization of the non-verbal language of the same country and the same language nation to sum up some representative non-verbal language. However, in real communication, people must find that the non-verbal language in the same country and nation are not just the same. Even in the same area, it is differ in thousands of ways between the people in different occupations, different age groups and different culture levels. Such as America which is famous for multinational immigrant living together, their non-verbal language are ver y hard to be consistent. So as the different English country, the differences are more further. III. Body language 3.1 Definition Body language is a way of communication that body movements which use head, eyes, neck, hands, arm, foot or other parts of the body to express peoples thought and emotions. Facial expressions, eye contact and other postures and gestures are the commonly used body movement. In a general sense of word, body language includes facial expression, in a narrow sense of word, body language only includes the meaning expressed by body and four limbs. The assortment of body language was advanced by Ruesch and Kees in 1956 according to the basic component of non-verbal language. It involves sign language, action language, and object language. The other assortment was advanced by M. Knapp in 1978 through the analysis of some pertinent researching and literatures. That are body motion and kinesics behaviour, physical characteristics, touching behaviour, paralanguage, proxemics, artifacts, environmental factors. Subsequently, Jensen advanced another statement: body motion and gestures, attitudes to ward time, attitudes toward space, general habits in communication. The research of human body language can trace back to Aristotle in Greek. The formally research was beginning from Darwin. In his 1872 book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals put forward that man and animals have many similar expressions. The systemic research of body language must come first Ray Birdwhistell. His 1952 book Introduction to Kinesics put forward the theory of kinesics. Made the body language become a coding system like verbal language to study the relationship between body movement and communication. Body Language of Julius Fast is a representative work that reflects the research result of body language. This book is known as the summary of the scientists research in the body language field. From then on, body language becomes a boundary science and produces new research result continuously. According to estimates, human body can make out more than 270,000 kinds of posture and movement. This is far more than the sound made out by human body. These postures and movements meaning are very complex. Some are definite and material as some are general and blurry. Some are used to communicate as some are used to self-express. Some are expressing emotion message as some are reflecting character and attitude. So the sort of body language is very complex. The body language classification method of Ekman and Friesen has important effent in non-verbal language communication educational circles. According to all the movements origin, usage and code, they divided human face and bodys continuous movement into five parts: 1. Symbolic movement: these movements have clearly meaning, such as the gesture express OK and victory. Symbolic movement always used to substitute verbal language. In general, they have distinct culture character. For example, the movement means suicide, in Japan, people use hand to simulate dagger to thrust the abdomen, and in America, people use hand to simulate a gun shot temple. 2. Illustrative movement: these kind of movements cooperate with verbal language directly to explain the meaning of the talking. For example, to emphasize a sentence, describe a thought, indicate a material, depict a space relationship, characterize a things rhythm and speed, portray a phenomena , describe a body movement, explain a sentences meaning, etc. 3. Emotion revealing movement: mainly through facial expression to show emotion or mood, of course the other part of body can also express these emotion. Express the emotion can repeat, exaggerate,deny the verbal language, or may be no relationship with it. Express the emotion always deliver the message of communication unconscious, but also can use it in communicating conscious. 4. Modulation movement: this kind of movement is used for maintaining or adjusting the talk in the face-to-face talk. It drops a hint that the speaker can keep talking, repeat again, explain further, speak fast or more lively, let other people have a talk, etc. In recent years, people pay attention to the research of the turn-talking in chat. Turn-talking means that telling the opposite side I want to talk; stopping the speaker changing the topic; asking the other side to give me a speaking chance; let the other side keep talking; telling the others that I have finish my talking and you can speak. The usually used movement is head and eye movement. 5. Adaptable movement: Ekman and Friesen divide it more further: 1). Self-adaptable movement: this kind of movement always happen on personally, such as, holding own hand, rubbing hand, grabing, scratching, clutching, nipping, whisking or gathering the cloth. In general, the emotion is more disconcerting, the pretty actions are more distinguished. Picking nose and wiping eyes belong to this kind. 2). Transformational adaptable movement: this kind of movement take place in the connect with other people. Such as, bringing or delivering, attacking or protecting, close or away. Leg movement can react that encroach, footsie or attack. Shaking hand or foot means fidgety that the person want to avoid talking. 3). Object adaptable movement: this kind of movement always relate to the using of material, such as smoking and writing. 3.2 The function of body language in intercultural communication As the necessary communication tool, body language has important function in intercultural communication. Bradford J. Hall(2002) summarized the mainly function of body language language: 1. Repetition: Body language can reinforce the verbal language by repeating the verbal message nonverbally, such as using a gesture, it can help the receiver understand the message easily. For example, when someone ask you where is the restaurant, you can point a certain direction when you say, the restaurant is north the library. Or we point to the question on the book we just ask. 2. Substitution: Body language can be used to replace some verbal language to deliver a certain meaning. When your friend meet a sad thing that make him cry, you can give him a hug. This is more powerful than any soothing words. 3. Contradiction: Body language sometimes can betray the speaker by sending contradictory message to the verbal language. The body language is often regarded as the powerful word than the spoken words. For example, we cant keep our face from blushing even say we dont nervous or we cant slow down our heartbeat if we are scared. And the teacher can find a student is wandering from the eyesight even though his eyes are staring the blackboard. So the body language is reliable than the verbal language sometimes. 4. Accentuation: It can force the power when you add a body language with your talk than only use verbal language. When you apologize to someone, if an apology show on you face, this can make your apology more conviction. In addition, body language can provide a complement to the verbal language. In some countries, you can up you thumb as the same time you give a admiration to your friends for his good performance. 5. Regulation: The body language also helps us to control the situation of our talking. For example, when we need a quiet, we can put our finger on our lip. IV. The analysis of the differences of the same body language in different cultures 4.1 The different meaning of the same body language in different cultures Here contrast some body languages that usually used but have different meaning. If you use a very awful body language, this might bring a badly result. 1. In China, up the thumbs means good to praise you are doing a good job, bravo and so on. It is same in many countries. If thumbs down means disagree, finish or youre game over. But in Australia, no matter it up or down is obscene. 2. Protrude the index finger means wait a minute in America, but in Australia it means one more beer. 3. Protrude the little finger means cowardly man in England as bet in America. 4. The V for victory or peace sign in America if made with the palm facing inward is taunting or sneering in England. It is very offensive to societys morals. 5. American people sometimes up head, palm facing down, index finger across the throat, it means Im full. I cant eat anymore. But it means decapitation in China. 6. When Chinese people communicating with foreign people, the most antipathetic movement is using index finger point the others casual. Indeed, the movement is in bad taste and impolite to western people. This is reproof and rebuke. 7. Chinese male like to put hands on other mans shoulder for a long time. And Chinese female frequently take other womans hand closely for long time. These shock the foreigners because they consider this gesture means homosexual. 8. When Chinese people receive or send a cup of water or a gift, they will use two hands to accept it to show appreciate and admiration. But American people dont care about whether use one or two hands. 9. When talking with American people Chinese like to put their hands crossed behind their back or into their pockets. But these gestures make the American think you are hiding guns in your hands. 10. Chinese may scratch their noses when feeling uncomfortable. This is confused the western people because in their culture this movement means Im telling a lie. 4.2 Some embarrassing examples due to misunderstanding of body language Under the same culture, people may have misunderstanding because of the body language, even the different culture. Culture difference in different countries, so the body language can express different meaning. If we do not understand the other peoples meaning, it will have misunderstanding and displeasure. For Examples: Tom is the manager of an American company in China. Recently, Li Lei, one of the Chinese staff makes a mistake at work. He is very upset about what had happened, so he comes to Toms office to apologize. Entering the office with smile. He says: I feel terribly sorry for the mistake. I am here to make a sincerely apology to you and promise that it will never happen again. When he said this, the smile always on his face. But Tom feels it is hard to accept and ask himAre you sure? Li says yes with smile. Tom is angry and saysYou dont look sorry at all. If you really feel sorry, how can you still smile? Li feels so embarrassed and does not know what to do. A Chinese student Wangdan and her friend, the American student Judy who studys in China were on the way to store. They saw a boy fell down on the ground. He tried to stand up while the surrounding people laughed. Luckily he was ok. Judy was worried but found Wangdan was smiling too. She was very curious and asked how could you laugh when someone else fell down. Why dont you help him to stand up and ask him whether he was hurt. Wangdan said, Because they know he was not hurt too much. But Judy still couldnt understand. She said, In my culture, if this was happen, we would do anything but laugh. The former examples are all about the smile. In daily life we usually smile, but in different culture, this ordinary movement can bring misunderstanding or some more serious results. When western people come across these situations, they will with solemn face to apologize or come to console the boy. Though smile means happy, it is the symbol for people in general, but in different culture, smiling in the communication are different. The western people think smile always means happy, high in spirits or think something is funny. But Chinese people often smile, because it not only means humours and satisfaction, also means embarrassment and protection, even a kind of evadable. So it confuses the western people, they say it is too hard to understand. In China, people sometimes use smile to eliminate embarrassment, also means never mind, and the person smile to self-mockery or play a joke. But if the affair is very serious, people will provide help but laugh out of court. So for the peopl e who do not know the meaning, this kind of smile will make them unhappy even produce antipathy. A Chinese student went to a American family and sent present to the child of this family,when he beckon to the little boy, yet the boy back off him. The hand movement is very abundant and with infective. Every gesture has its particular function. In the case, the Chinese student used Chinese gesture, which palm facing down and making a scratching motion with fingers to beckon. This is different in America that means to go away. When they let somebody to close up, their palm facing up or only move index finger. This is opposite to Chinese and may bring Chinese peoples repulsion. V. Conclusion After the briefly analysis of the analysis of body language in intercultural communications, we have a knowledge about the relationship between culture and language, and the influence of body language in the communication. The body language in our daily life is incalculable. Every one can use his body to represent himself. Body language is the same as verbal language to be the carrier of culture that may cause misunderstanding in the international communication because of culture difference. As an English major, to understand the culture of the target language is very important. Having the knowledge of body language will be helpful to us in intercultural communication.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Canine Heartworm Disease Essay -- Heartworm Disease Dogs

Canine Heartworm Disease Canine Heartworm Disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease caused by the parasite Dirofilaria Immitis. The disease can infect over 30 species, including humans, however dogs are the definitive host. The most common way this disease is transmitted from one animal to the next is through mosquitoes. A mosquito carrying infective heartworm larvae bites a dog and transmits the infection to them. The larvae grow, develop, and migrate in the body over a period of 6 to 7 months, in which time they become sexually mature male and female worms. this is the prepatent period. The worms then reside in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels. The worms begin to mate and release microfilaria into the blood stream. When a mosquito bites an infected dog it takes in some of the microfilaria in the blood. After 10 to 30 days there is larvae in the mosquito’s salivary gland which can then be passed on to the next dog the mosquito bites. Canine Heartworm Disease can also be transmitted to puppies through the placenta of an infected mother. However in this case the puppies will only be carriers, but this makes them at risk of severe reactions when starting canine heartworm prevention. Another way larvae can be passed is through blood transfusions. To prevent this all donors must be cleared of heartworm disease before donating. Dogs infected with Canine Heartworm Disease can have from 1 to 250 worms living in them for 5 to 7 years. The organs us...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Dr.Jack Kevorkian

â€Å"Dr. Death† Dr. Jack Kevorkian Dr. Jack Kevorkian was known as â€Å"Dr. Death† since at least 1956, when he conducted a study photographing patients' eyes as they died. Results established that blood vessels in the cornea contract and become invisible as the heart stops beating. And he made a lot of other ways to make people like handicapped or anyone who suffer from anything in his life to kill himself, he claims to have assisted at least 130 patients to that end, and he famously said that â€Å"dying is not a crime†. People and the government disagreed with Dr. Kevorkian’s behavior for many several reasons. First his not a god to control the death of people to make them not feel pain and not to face their diseases and destroy them , he is like telling people that life is not worth living for and problems are not going to be solved except with death. In September of 1998 he videotaped the death of Thomas Youk; the tape was broadcast by CBS television's  60 Minutes  in November, what a cruel thing to videotape? The death of man and broadcast it on live T. V. This man made a hundreds of families miserable with his invention â€Å"Mercitron† (mercy machine). If he is deciding for people weather to live or die by acting if u don’t feel pain then live, if u experience death it will be much helpful and comfortable. Then what is the importance of god, I thought he was the one who knows who will die and when, and can make all of the people of earth die in one second and live in one second. There are only a few cases where someone is allowed to take a life and even these cases are not agreed upon. These cases could be in self defense or if someone is badly injured or sick and there is no medical care that could help him and living on even for a minute will cause suffering beyond imagination. But there has never been a case where some loco doctor wants to experiment death on other and people agreed with him. This must mean that this is one sick person and no one agrees with him because it is not human. Thank god of course that the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that Americans who want to kill themselves but are physically unable to have no constitutional right to end their lives. Kevorkian was sentenced to 10-25 years in prison, but was paroled in 2007, in failing health and nearing his own death by the order of god not by a machine.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Discussion Post Example

Discussion Post Example Discussion Post – Coursework Example Discussion Post Oil prices are linked to a variety of factors ranging from the usual demand and supply to political influences. One factor is the increase in exploration of oil in the Americas. New legislation is allowing exploration of oil in various regions within America, where this activity was not allowed previously. Mexico is continuously struggling to get access to the technology that is essential to explore its underground oil reserves (Jervy this is rapidly becoming a cheaper alternative to oil (Miller, 2015). Keeping in view these circumstances, the older players in the field of oil are forced to reduce the oil prices dramatically, primarily due to the fact that their influence an only be maintained if worldwide interest in their product is maintained. The impact of falling oil prices on other sectors of the economy like housing and travel will be positive, since reduced prices contribute to a fall in the services and production costs (Zimpleman, 2015). Since transportatio n of goods is an unavoidable aspect of trade and business, reduced prices of transportation are likely to contribute significantly in this regard. In areas where oil is routinely used for energy production, reduced oil prices will pave way for further progress by decreasing the costs of energy. Keeping in view these circumstances, it can be concluded that reduction in oil prices is likely to bestow new life to our economy in the coming future. ReferencesJervy,  B., & Horn,  S. (2014). "No Turning Back:" Mexicos Looming Fracking and Offshore Oil and Gas Bonanza | DeSmogBlog. Retrieved  January  29, 2015, from,  J. (2014). Oil Price Drop and Effect Causes | The Energy Collective. Retrieved  January  29, 2015, from,  L.  D. (2 015). The Effects of Lower Oil Prices – At A Glance - WSJ. Retrieved  January  29, 2015, from

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Why Atoms Form Chemical Bonds With Each Other

Why Atoms Form Chemical Bonds With Each Other Atoms form chemical bonds to make their outer electron shells more stable. The type of chemical bond maximizes the stability of the atoms that form it. An ionic bond, where one atom essentially donates an electron to another, forms when one atom becomes stable by losing its outer electrons and the other atoms become  stable (usually by filling its valence shell) by gaining the electrons. Covalent bonds form when sharing atoms results in the highest stability. Other types of bonds besides ionic and covalent chemical bonds exist, too. Bonds and Valence Electrons The very first electron shell only holds two electrons. A hydrogen atom (atomic number 1) has one proton and a lone electron, so it can readily share its electron with the outer shell of another atom. A helium atom (atomic number 2), has two protons and two electrons. The two electrons complete its outer electron shell (the only electron shell it has), plus the atom is electrically neutral this way. This makes helium stable and unlikely to form a chemical bond. Past hydrogen and helium, its easiest to apply the octet rule to predict whether two atoms will form bonds and how many bonds they will form. Most atoms need eight electrons to complete their outer shell. So, an atom that has two outer electrons will often form a chemical bond with an atom that lacks two electrons to be complete. For example, a sodium atom has one lone electron in its outer shell. A chlorine atom, in contrast, is short one electron to fill its outer shell. Sodium readily donates its outer electron (forming the Na ion, since it then has one more proton than it has electrons), while chlorine readily accepts a donated electron (making the Cl- ion, since chlorine is stable when it has one more electron than it has protons). Sodium and chlorine form an ionic bond with each other to form table salt (sodium chloride). A Note About Electrical Charge You may be confused about whether the stability of an atom is related to its electrical charge. An atom that gains or loses an electron to form an ion is more stable than a neutral atom if the ion gets a full electron shell by forming the ion. Because oppositely charged ions attract each other, these atoms will readily form chemical bonds with each other. Why Do Atoms Form Bonds? You can use the periodic table to make several predictions about whether atoms will form bonds and what type of bonds they might form with each other. On the far right-hand side of the periodic table is the group of elements called the noble gases. Atoms of these elements (e.g., helium, krypton, neon) have full outer electron shells. These atoms are stable and very rarely form bonds with other atoms. One of the best ways to predict whether atoms will bond with each other and what type of bonds they will form is to compare the electronegativity values of the atoms. Electronegativity is a measure of the attraction an atom has to electrons in a chemical bond. A large difference between electronegativity values between atoms indicates one atom is attracted to electrons, while the other can accept electrons. These atoms usually form ionic bonds with each other. This type of bond forms between a metal atom and a nonmetal atom. If the electronegativity values between two atoms are comparable, they may still form chemical bonds to increase the stability of their valence electron shell. These atoms usually form covalent bonds. You can look up electronegativity values for each atom to compare them and decide whether an atom will form a bond or not. Electronegativity is a periodic table trend, so you can make general predictions without looking up specific values. Electronegativity increases as you move from left to right across the periodic table (except for the noble gases). It decreases as you move down a column or group of the table. Atoms on the left-hand side of the table readily form ionic bonds with atoms on the right side (again, except the noble gases). Atoms in the middle of the table often form metallic or covalent bonds with each other.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Labor Unions and Their Impact on the Economy Essay - 1

Labor Unions and Their Impact on the Economy - Essay Example As the report declares the state employees are not happy with the proposal of the governor that they would have to make a contribution of 5.8 % of their salary towards schemes of pension along with the payment of 12.6 % of their insurance premiums for health. In this report of the research paper, various arguments in support of the union’s protest will be presented.This paper highlights that on  February 15, 2011, the public employees, community supporters and union activists in a number of more than 15,000 jammed at the Capitol Square in Madison for protesting the governor’s plan to band the rights of the workers and demolish jobs of middle class community of the society. The governor denied making any changes in his plans and has mentioned that if the bill is not passed by the state legislature, he would compel massive layoffs along with hampering of state services and thus would cost several jobs.  The move of the governor has been demonstrated as a way of politi cal business that is interested in taking the rights away from the people. The appeal of a few protestors is such that they are in complete support to the governor’s activities for balancing the budget but not at the sake of the worker’s rights, as evident from the views of a retired Communications Workers of America member.  The protestors mentioned that the governor was imparting the bad effects of a budget bill by setting up such a policy that would take away the general rights of the people.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Middle East Conflict Resolution and the Arab Spring Essay

Middle East Conflict Resolution and the Arab Spring - Essay Example The region has shown higher economic growth from 1965 to 1985. However, due to several conflicts and wars prevailed in the region, its economic growth and development has drastically fallen. The conflicts in the Middle East region have been a never ending process from centuries. The recent conflicts in the region have significantly affected its economic progression as compared to others. One of the major conflicts, which took place in the recent past few years, is the Syrian Civil war. More importantly, there always have been conflicts amid the two Islamic groups of the region, including Sinai and Shia (Soliman, 2013; Wilson, 2012). The conflicts among the two Islamic groups have resulted into devastating economic and social loss from decades. Similarly, in last decade, a devastating war in Iraq can be witnessed, wherein millions of people have been affected. Moreover, as a result of certain issues including corruption and terrorist attack among others, there has been extreme downfall in the developmental procedure of the economy of the region. This certainly resulted into discouraging the conduct of business efficiently in the region. Thus, the people of the region in order to bring back the economy on track, protested with the conduct of certain revolutionary activities against the government. One of such significant revolutionary acts can be ascertained as the Arab Spring. The activities involved in the revolt included riots, tremendous civil disobedience, self immolation and strikes that disrupted the normal functionalities of the region (Soliman, 2013; Wilson, 2012). Contextually, the prime intent of this essay is to discuss and analyze one of the significant issues i.e. â€Å"Middle East Conflict Resolution and the Arab Spring† with prime focus on determining its impact on modern businesses. In this similar context, various